Message from
Head of Primary
Welcome to our Primary School!
The Primary School is the foundation for lifelong learning. We understand the importance of students having a positive beginning to their schooling and aim to make each lesson engaging and meaningful.
We have a wonderful team of teachers and support staff who care deeply for each of our students in the Primary School and pray regularly for the students and their families. We collaborate and attend professional development opportunities with an aim to identify teaching strategies to assist each student to achieve to their potential. Staff strive to consistently show the College values, commitment, compassion, creativity and courage and support the students to apply the values in both the classroom and in the playground.
I consider that learning to read is one of the most important skills that is taught in the Primary School years and our teachers also recognise this responsibility. Learning to read is a key focus in Prep to Year 2 with students learning through an engaging and hands on phonics program. In Upper Primary students are guided to further increase their reading fluency and to develop skills that will support their learning in the Secondary School years such as researching and analysing texts.
We look forward to welcoming new enrolments to the Primary School and to supporting each student to develop a firm foundation in skills that will support them through their life’s journey.

Lower Primary
Prep to Year 2
The Primary School is the foundation for lifelong learning. The journey of formal schooling begins in Lower Primary with a solid introduction to Mathematics and beginning reading and writing skills based on an engaging phonics program. Learning is guided by the Australian Curriculum with subjects such as Science and Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) enabling students to develop an initial awareness of the world around them.
The excursion to the Darling Downs Zoo supports this learning and is a highlight for the Prep students as they consider the amazing animals God created. Through Years One and Two, teachers and support staff assist students to build on the foundational learning, providing explicit teaching and engaging tasks and experiences. They are introduced to the Bible and begin to develop an awareness of God the creator and Jesus the Saviour of the world.
Learning to become confident readers is a particular focus in the Lower Primary School with an aim for students to be independent readers by the end of Year Three.
Upper Primary
Year 3 - Year 6
Years Three to Six form the Upper Primary School. Students are supported to develop their fluency and reading comprehension skills and to apply these to effectively analyse texts and complete research tasks. Mathematical learning is sequentially taught with concepts built on each year through a combination of hands-on activities and pencil to paper.
In addition to building on academic learning through the curriculum, the Upper Primary is when students develop effective social skills and learn to respond respectfully and compassionately to others. Students are guided in exploring how people in the Bible responded to life’s challenges and are encouraged to consider how they can further develop and apply the values of the College, Commitment, Creativity, Courage and Compassion.
This learning is supported in Upper Primary through attending overnight camps enabling the building of friendships and learning to cooperate and interact positively with others.